Friday, March 6, 2015

Gianna's Birth Story

Her birth story begins at my 37 week appointment when my OB shocked us by telling us that I was already 4 cm dilated and fully effaced. That meant theoretically my body was prepared for labor. I looked at Tim and then looked back at my Doctor with my jaw dropped. She laughed at my expression. Since it was the Monday before Christmas she advised us not to travel to my Aunt’s house for Christmas and to get prepared to have a baby within a week, definitely within two weeks. We were excited that we get to meet Gianna sooner than planned but more than a little freaked out as well. Right away we told our family the news and they agreed that we should stay close to home for Christmas.
            We attended midnight Mass and I was feeling semi-regular contractions during Mass. Could this be it? Was I going into labor on Christmas Eve!? The contractions stopped when we got home and I wouldn’t have regular contractions until the following Sunday. Everyone had told us the 5-1-1 rule for going to the hospital. We were supposed to wait until my contractions were 5 minutes apart or less , lasting one minute in length for at least an hour. I was worried my labor would progress quickly so on Sunday December 28th when my contractions were consistently five minutes apart or less I told Tim we should go to the hospital. They had us walk around for a few hours to monitor my progress and early Monday morning we were told to go home. The nurse expected we would be back within 24 hour and I would fully be in labor. The rest of the week continued with contractions coming and going it was exhausting and I wasn’t sleeping. We made it to my 38 week exam that Friday and my doctor was surprised to see that I wasn’t in labor. I wasn’t amused. We discussed the option of stripping my membranes but decided to wait another week for that. After my appointment I decided that I needed to relax so I got a pedicure. My family came to visit that evening and we went to dinner. Once we got home I had been experiencing contractions and I told Tim I wanted to try a few things to help trigger labor, including bouncing on my exercise ball. I was ready to get this baby out. We decided that my contractions weren’t close enough to stay up and that we should go to bed.
            After having contractions through the night I woke up at 6 am and decided that I was going to have this baby that day, Saturday January 3rd. It was one day before our 1 year wedding anniversary. I started to time contractions and they were about 5 minutes apart. I decided to wake up Tim and let him know it was going to happen today. My contractions were not consistent but were increasing in intensity so we decided to go for a walk and then head to the hospital after lunch. By that point I was in crazy lady mode and told Tim that I was not going to let them send me home, I was in labor. We got triage and again we were going to have to pass the two hour test. We walked around and took breaks with my contractions increasing to the point of making me want to cry. I was excited because I knew that it was finally happening. Luckily I dilated enough for them to admit me even though my darn contractions still weren’t regular. I may have cried and told the nurse I couldn’t handle going home even if it meant I might have a long labor ahead of me.
            It was about five pm before we finally got settled into our room and met our lovely nurse. We spent about an hour getting the room set up and going through our list of prayer intentions. I had to be on the monitors for twenty minutes every hour. This part was my least favorite because I had to be in the bed and it was harder to cope with my contractions. I was experiencing a lot of pressure and pain in my back which seemed to confirm my greatest fear, back labor. Tim was absolutely wonderful at helping me cope with my contractions, he would rub and put pressure on my back and help me in any way he could. When my contractions would start he would jump into place and never complained. I felt like we were a really great team and I loved him so much for being so involved in my labor. Since my contractions were still not very regular the nurse suggested we walk the halls to try to speed things along. We would walk and then I would stop and hang out to the railing when a contraction started. I found that swaying my hips while Tim rubbed my back seemed to work the best. I didn’t really care how silly we looked; everyone would know I was in labor anyways. Shortly after we started walking around we ran into my OB who had just come on duty. She told me based on my contractions and how I was coping that I wasn’t in actual labor. This made me furious because I knew that I was in labor! Luckily she decided to check me and realized I had dilated to 6 cm and actually was in labor. In an effort to help me progress we decided to strip my membranes but not break my water yet. That procedure was extremely uncomfortable but I breathed through it and remained calm. Both my OB and Nurse said that they had never seen someone stay so calm during that procedure. I felt vindicated that I was actually in labor just coping really well.
            I will fast forward four hours. Over the next four hours we repeated walking around and then going back to the room for monitoring. My contractions were definitely getting more intense and closer together. I was starting to not cope as well but figured I must be close to transition. I remember telling Tim that I better be close to 8cm when my OB came back to check me. That is why I was shocked when four hours later I was still stuck at 6cm. I felt discouraged. How could I have spent the past four hours trying to relax through increasing contractions for nothing!? At that point I agreed to have my water broken. After my water broke things got really intense and fast. I was jumping around the room like a crazy woman with Tim trying to keep up with me. My methods of coping weren’t working anymore. The combination of not knowing how long it would be until I was ready to push and the intensity of the pain lead me to consider an epidural. At first it was just during contractions that I would tell Tim I needed the epidural but after half hour it was decided and Tim thankfully supported my decision. I was exhausted. Unfortunately it would be at least an hour weight so I ended up getting pain meds via my IV first. Those are two things I said I wouldn’t do.

            Five minutes before the clock struck midnight and it was our wedding anniversary I was finally feeling some relief from the pain meds and could smile at Tim and told him happy anniversary at midnight. We were going to have our baby on our wedding anniversary. An hour later I got my epidural and it felt strange to be able to rest. Tim felt useless and even got to nap half hour. Around two am my nurse decided it was time to get the room ready for pushing. I didn’t realize how much the room has to be prepared and how many people have to be on call for the event. I was so naive I thought I would be pushing with my OB the whole time; I was confused when my nurse gave me instructions and told me to start. Since I had an epidural, the nurse had to tell me when my contraction was starting but it actually wasn't that difficult to get the hang of pushing. However, as labor had taught me, even though my efforts were good my baby still wasn't progressing much down the birth canal after an hour of productive pushes. My nurse figured out that Gianna’s head was slightly tilted to the side and confirmed that she had been sunnyside up and must have rotated during labor just not fully. My OB was called in and helped to rotate her head. She ended up staying since Gianna’s heart rate had been dropping slightly and I had to be on oxygen. That was scary because I felt like it was somehow my fault. The last half hour of pushing because exhausting but it was worth it once my Gianna finally came out. I was beyond thankful that I did not need a C-section. Once Gianna came out they noticed her umbilical cord had been compressed and that is why her heart rate had dropped. She came out crying and healthy though! My first thoughts were “wow she is really dark and looks more Filipino like Tim” it’s funny those were my first thoughts.  After Tim cut the cord I was able to hold her and attempted to latch her. She didn't

really latch and that was just a sign of the breastfeeding struggles to come but I was so happy to finally meet her! I couldn't fathom how she had been inside of me moments before and now I was holding her in my arms. I was surprised to learn that she was 19.5 inches and 7lbs 3 oz which was bigger than I expected since she was a week early! She was quite the anniversary present and we love her so much! Twenty four hours after I woke up determined to have my baby she was born and amazingly I wasn’t as exhausted as I would have expected. Gianna Rose Barbeau was born at 5:45 AM on Sunday January 4th, 2015. 

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