Friday, November 27, 2015

What is the best answer to a world filled with violence and fear?

         Babies. This is not a pregnancy announcement but something I have really been pondering lately. I think we are all aware that there is a lot of scary things happening in our country and around the world. I will admit that I have been really worried and afraid some days. And then we had a bible study with some of our friends to go over the Sunday readings. It was the readings for the feast of Christ the King and the Gospel talked about how Jesus is the alpha and the omega. Jesus has always been. Along with that God has always had a plan for the world. He gives us free world but he also knows what will choose to do with it. God already knows all of the bad things that will happen in this world and he also knows how he will save the world. In a way he already has saved the world through Jesus, but at the end of time he will be victorious and if we choose to follow him we will enter into eternal communion with him and there will be no more violence, fears, or tears. God has everything under control .Should I say that again? GOD HAS EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL. In other words we need to stop worrying about the future. It is difficult not to worry but this is where our faith in God can grow. We still need to pray for the grace to be able to trust God completely but we really need to stop worrying because it does not help us at all.

        Okay so what does that have to do with babies? When I have been reading about all of the violence in the world, I think about how much hate people are filled with and how much love they need. And then I see my daughter yelling at strangers trying to say hi to them and babbling away. She brings love and joy to strangers who may not have anyone in their life to smile at them. She brings the joy of God to others. I have become very convinced that the best way I can fight against the evil in this world is to raise my children to love others. If you have met my daughter you will see how her joy is contagious. I love it. She has no problem crawling up to people and smiling and laughing with them. And when I think about her growing up I know that she will make the world a better place in her own small way. Every child we bring into this world will impact the world in some way and we hope that it will be a positive way. It makes me so sad when people decide that they are done having children way before the end of their fertile years because they have no idea who they are missing out on. I can't imagine my life without my daughter. She is such a joy. Every child is so unique and special. And they will become an adult someday who can love and serve others and continue bringing joy into the world. I know that there are a lot of factors that determine how many children we can have but I ask you to please pray about it and consider being more open to life at this time if you are married.

         The world can be a scary place and I know a lot of people are afraid to bring children into this world. However, the world can also be a beautiful place especially within our homes if we bring Christ into our homes. We can overcome evil with the love of Christ and that starts in our home. We can't control the world but we can have at least some control over what happens in our home. And imagine if you have a loving home with 4, 5, 6, 7 or more children who become loving adults. Imagine how much that would impact the world! Being able to bring a child into this world is an immense blessing and we need to focus on that more. Children are amazing. Children are our future. Let's pray for our society to become more open to children.

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”

― Pope John Paul II

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