Friday, February 22, 2013

"Be Satisfied with Me"

I wanted to share this beautiful prayer. When it was read at our ladies breakfast it truly spoke to my heart. I almost started crying because it essentially captured the journey I have been on. It took me a while to realize that I needed to be fulfilled in the love of God and allow him to fix my heart before I could be ready to meet my future husband.

This prayer contains so much wisdom. God had some work to do on my heart before he could bring Tim into my life in the way he had always planned. Tim and I frequently reflect on our journey and how God's timing was so perfect :) Learning to trust God was not easy but it is silly to think that he wouldn't be capable of providing us with an amazing future. 

It is so true that he has surprised me with a love far more wonderful that I could have dreamed of .I want to encourage single readers (or those settling for less than what God has planned for you) to trust in his plan because he will deliver! Please read this prayer and allow it to reign true in your heart. Pray it when you begin to lose faith! 

Be Satisfied with Me
by St. Anthony of Padua
Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone,
To have a deep soul relationship with another,
To be loved thoroughly and exclusively.

But to a Christian, God says, "No, not until you are satisfied,
Fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone,
With giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me.
With having an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone.

Discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found,
Will you be capable of the perfect human relationship,
That I have planned for you.
You will never be united to another
Until you are united with Me.
Exclusive of anyone or anything else.
Exclusive of any other desires or longings.
I want you to stop planning, to stop wishing, and allow Me to give you
The most thrilling plan existing . . . one you cannot imagine.
I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you.

You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things.
Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am.
Keep listening and learning the things that I tell you.
Just wait, that's all. Don't be anxious, don't worry
Don't look around at things others have gotten
Or that I have given them
Don't look around at the things you think you want,
Just keep looking off and away up to Me,
Or you'll miss what I want to show you.
And then, when you're ready, I'll surprise you with a love
Far more wonderful than you could dream of.

You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready,
I am working even at this moment
To have both of you ready at the same time.
Until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me
And the life I prepared for you,
You won't be able to experience the love that exemplified your relationship with Me.
And this is perfect love.

And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love,
I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me.
And to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection and love that I offer you with Myself.
Know that I love you utterly. I AM God.
Believe it and be satisfied

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Am I excited to get Married?

After thinking about it for months I have finally chosen to enter the blog world. God has been teaching me so much and I know so many people out there need hope and I pray that I will be able to provide some. Love is real and love is true. Almost my whole life I dreamed of what the man I would marry would be like. I often got discouraged thinking he wasn't out there and if I truly deserved an amazing man. I learned to trust in him and he has delivered beyond anything I could dream of. I am sorry if it seems like I am bragging but I just want everyone to know you do not have to settle! God will richly bless you as he has richly blessed me if you can only surrender your trust to him(definitely easier said that done). I basically reached a point where I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't start sharing this so here is my blog. If you don't like it that is okay don't read it. If you like it feel free to share it I won't mind :)

This morning I had the wonderful opportunity of attending a ladies breakfast at St. Brigid's. Every time that I am able to attend one of these breakfasts, God blesses me with so much wisdom and love from the other women who attend. We had such an amazing talk and discussion related to suffering and the place it has in our lives. Jesus came down to suffer on the cross so that he could unite himself to our suffering. We just need to open ourselves and invite him to suffer  with us and draw us out of it with his love. It was a beautiful talk but that is not the focus of this post.

After the breakfast, I was talking with some of the ladies about my recent engagement and upcoming wedding next January. Someone asked if I was really excited and of course I said that I was. However, inside I didn't feel excited the way others would expect me to be. The other girls talked about wanted to get married soon after their engagement  I couldn't share in that sentiment and on my drive home I was wondering about why I am not as anxious about getting married as perhaps I should be. I realized that God has taught me so much through waiting. Through waiting for Tim he truly prepared my heart for him. I learned through heartbreak that the only perfect man was Jesus. As Jesus is the only perfect man I should focus my love and attention on him and not waste it on other men who are not deserving. However, God blessed me with a man who does deserve some of that love. We waited two years to get engaged. That period of dating prepared us and taught us so much. Now we have a year of waiting and preparation for marriage  I am excited to spend more time drawing closer to Jesus, Mary, and saints who have witnessed amazing love. I know that this time will enrich both of us and allow our marriage to be even more fruitful. So rather than being excited an anxious I find myself being peaceful, in awe, and so thankful for everything God has given me.

Another area where waiting is a big theme is the decision to save our bodies as the most precious gift we can give to each other on our wedding night. There are a lot of books and talks about how to have a pure relationship and resist temptation. I won't say that Tim and I never had any difficulties in this area in the beginning of the relationship but as we grew in love things changed. Through our understanding of Theology of the Body we know there is a zero possibility that we would cheapen our wedding night.Thankfully we both understand how wonderful and beautiful sex within marriage is and we are completely content to wait until our wedding night and even longer since we will be practicing Natural Family Planning. It isn't hard to wait because we know our marriage is worth it and God is always waiting to bless us if we follow him.

I am not sure how often I will blog but I will try to keep my thoughts focused around a certain topic. As I am new to blogging feel free to give me feedback. Also, sorry for run-on sentences!

Have a Blessed Day!
